Search Results

453 results for facility: College of William and Mary Earl Gregg Swem Library - page 1 of 23
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
13th moon. 13th Moon 0094-3320
96 Inc. Kenmore Writer's Group 1075-0320
A summer's reading. Ted Morrissey & Barbara Hess
A Wake newslitter. Dept. of Literature, University of Essex 0049-6847
Abacus. Potes & Poets Press 0886-4047
Abraxas. W. Woessner 0361-1663
Acts. Acts 0749-3908
African American review. Department of English, Indiana State University 1062-4783
Afterthoughts. Lakewood Press 1201-401X
Agada = Agadah. Agada 0740-2392
Akros. Akros Publications 0002-3728
Alabama literary review. English Dept., Troy State University 0890-1554
Alaska quarterly review. College of Arts and Sciences, University of Alaska, Anchorage 0737-268X
Alcheringa. J. Rothenberg & D. Tedlock 0044-7218
Algol. A. Porter 0002-5364
Ambergris. Ambergris 1044-2006
Ambit. Camden Printing 0002-6972
Amelia. Frederick A. Raborg, Jr. 0743-2755
America sings. National Poetry Press
American Kennel Club awards. The Club 0888-627X
453 results for facility: College of William and Mary Earl Gregg Swem Library - page 1 of 23