Search Results

2743 results for facility: UNC Library Service Center (LSC) - page 61 of 138
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Journal of accounting research. Institute of Professional Accounting, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago ; 0021-8456
Journal of advertising. Board of Directors, American Academy of Advertising, etc 0091-3367
Journal of African cultural studies Carfax 1369-6815
Journal of African history. Cambridge University Press 0021-8537
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry. American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division 0021-8561
Journal of algebra. Academic Press 0021-8693
Journal of analytical chemistry.
Journal of anthropological research. University of New Mexico 0091-7710
Journal of AOAC International. AOAC International 1060-3271
Journal of applied botany = Angewandte Botanik. Blackwell Science 0949-5460
Journal of applied botany and food quality = Angewandte Botanik. Liddy Halm 1613-9216
Journal of applied chemistry & biotechnology. Blackwell Scientific Publications for Society of Chemical Industry 0375-9210
Journal of applied chemistry of the USSR. Consultants Bureau 0021-888X
Journal of applied chemistry. Society of Chemical Industry 0021-8871
Journal of applied crystallography. Munksgaard International Booksellers and Publishers 0021-8898
Journal of applied econometrics. Wiley 0883-7252
Journal of applied electrochemistry. Chapman and Hall 0021-891X
Journal of applied phycology. Kluwer Academic Publishers 0921-8971
Journal of applied physics. American Institute of Physics 0021-8979
Journal of applied polymer science. Wiley 0021-8995
2743 results for facility: UNC Library Service Center (LSC) - page 61 of 138