Search Results

2743 results for facility: UNC Library Service Center (LSC) - page 70 of 138
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. Elsevier Sequoia 1010-6030
Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. Elsevier Sequoia 1011-1344
Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. Elsevier Science S.A. 1389-5567
Journal of photochemistry. Elsevier Sequoia 0047-2670
Journal of physical & colloid chemistry. Williams & Wilkins Co. 0092-7023
Journal of physical and chemical reference data. American Chemical Society 0047-2689
Journal of physical chemistry. [s.n.] 0092-7325
Journal of physical organic chemistry. J. Wiley 0894-3230
Journal of physics Institute of Physics 0301-0015
Journal of physics Institute of Physics 0305-4616
Journal of physics C: Institute of Physics 0022-3719
Journal of physics. Institute of Physics [etc.] 0022-3727
Journal of physics. Institute of Physics and the Physical Society 0305-4608
Journal of physics. an Institute of Physics journal. IOP Pub. 0954-3899
Journal of physics. an Institute of Physics journal. IOP Pub. 0953-8984
Journal of plankton research. Information Retrieval Inc. 0142-7873
Journal of plant anatomy and morphology. Scientific Publishers 0256-436X
Journal of plant nutrition. Dekker 0190-4167
Journal of plant physiology. G. Fischer 0176-1617
Journal of plant research. Botanical Society of Japan 0918-9440
2743 results for facility: UNC Library Service Center (LSC) - page 70 of 138