Search Results

6530 results for facility: Georgia Tech Remote Storage Library Service Center (LSC) - page 249 of 327
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Journal of spacecraft and rockets. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 0022-4650
Journal of Spanish cultural studies. Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis Ltd. 1463-6204
Journal of Spanish studies: Dept. of Modern Languages, Kansas State University 0092-1807
Journal of sport & exercise psychology. Human Kinetics Publishers 0895-2779
Journal of sport history. North American Society for Sport History 0094-1700
Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness. Minerva Medica 0022-4707
Journal of statistical computation and simulation. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers 0094-9655
Journal of statistical physics. Plenum Press 0022-4715
Journal of statistical planning and inference. North-Holland 0378-3758
Journal of strategic marketing. Chapman & Hall 0965-254X
Journal of structural geology. Pergamon Press 0191-8141
Journal of studies in international education Council on International Educational Exchange 1028-3153
Journal of taxation of investments. Warren, Gorham & Lamont 0747-9115
Journal of teacher education. American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education 0022-4871
Journal of telecommunication networks. Computer Science Press 0276-0037
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Academy of Marketing Science 0092-0703
Journal of the aeronautical sciences. Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences
Journal of the African Literature Association : African Literature Association 2167-4736
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association. The Association 1096-2247
Journal of the American Ceramic Society. American Ceramic Society 0002-7820
6530 results for facility: Georgia Tech Remote Storage Library Service Center (LSC) - page 249 of 327