Search Results

684 results for facility: University of Alabama Library Annex - page 7 of 35
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Canadian essay and literature index. University of Toronto Press 0316-0696
Canadian journal of civil engineering. Revue canadienne de geĢnie civil. National Research Council of Canada 0315-1468
Central & Southern Africa series. American Universities Field Staff 0066-0930
Certified public accountant : CPA. New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants 0886-3253
Character and personality. Duke University Press 0730-6407
Chemisches Zentralblatt. Akademie Verlag
Chemisches Zentralblatt. Akademie-Verlag [etc.]
Chemisches Zentralblatt. Akademie-Verlag
Chicago Tribune. Newspaper Indexing Center, Micro Photo Division, Bell & Howell Co. 0098-1176
Chilton's distribution worldwide. Chilton Co. 0886-3237
Chilton's distribution. Chilton Co. 1057-9710
Chilton's instruments & control systems. Chilton Co. 0164-0089
CIS federal register index. Congressional Information Service 0741-2878
CIS five-year cumulative index. Congressional Information Service
CLU journal. American Society of Chartered Life Underwriters 0007-8573
Collected papers by the staff of Saint Mary's Hospital, Mayo Clinic W.B. Saunders Company 1080-367X
Collections of the Maine Historical Society. Maine Historical Society
College and reference library yearbook / American Library Association
College management; for the business of higher education. Macmillan Professional Magazines, Inc. 0010-1036
Columbia journalism review. Graduate School of Journalism of Columbia University 0010-194X
684 results for facility: University of Alabama Library Annex - page 7 of 35