Search Results

29876 results for facility: University of Florida George A Smathers Library - page 12 of 1494
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Academic library trends and statistics for Carnegie classification. Association of College and Research Libraries 1547-9013
Academic medicine : Hanley & Belfus 1040-2446
Academic physician and scientist : a collaborative publication of Academic Physician and Scientist and the AAMC Academic Physician Services, Inc 10931139
Academic radiology. Association of University Radiologists 1076-6332
Academic therapy quarterly. DeWitt Reading Clinic 1040-9777
Academic therapy. Pro-Ed, etc 0001-396X
Academy architecture and architectural review. [s.n.]
Academy news letter California Academy of Sciences 00080829
Academy of Management journal. Academy of Management 0001-4273
Academy of Management learning & education. Academy of Management 1537-260X
Acanto. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientʹificas
Acarologia. Marc Vachon 0044-586X
Access : The Center
Access reports/freedom of information Washington Monitor, Inc. 0364-7625
ACCI newsletter The Council 19402961
Acciâon. s.n. 0001-4605
Accident analysis and prevention. [Pergamon Press] 0001-4575
Accident and sickness review [National Underwriter Co.]
Accion libertaria
ACCIS newsletter Advisory Committee for the Co-ordination of Information Systems 02543133
29876 results for facility: University of Florida George A Smathers Library - page 12 of 1494