Search Results

29876 results for facility: University of Florida George A Smathers Library - page 1225 of 1494
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Tasks for vegetation science Dr. W. Junk Publishers 01679406
Tax and expenditure policy for ... Committee for Economic Development
Tax Court memorandum decisions / Commerce Clearing House
Tax facts on life insurance. National Underwriter Co. 0496-9685
Tax Institute bookshelf. Tax Institute of America [etc.] 0040-0033
Tax law journal / University of Denver Graduate Program in Taxation
Tax law review. New York University School of Law 0040-0041
Tax policy and the economy. NBER and MIT Press Journals 0892-8649
Tax policy. National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America [etc.] 0040-0106
Tax reforms Price Waterhouse
Tax reforms in EU member states ... : tax policy challenges for economic growth and fiscal sustainability Publications Office of the European Union
Tax sheltered investments handbook. Clark Boardman Co. 0731-5821
Taxation for accountants. RIA Group, etc 0040-0165
Taxation for lawyers [Warren, Gorham & Lamont for Tax Research Group, etc.] 0161178X
Taxes. Commerce Clearing House 0040-0181
Taxon. International Bureau for Plant Taxonomy and Nomenclature 0040-0262
Tätigkeitsbericht Zeitungs-Verlag und Zeitschriften-Verlag
Tätigkeitsbericht Die Forschungsgemeinschaft
Tätigkeitsbericht der DFG Die Forschungsgemeinschaft 03401359
TCA manual. Tissue Culture Association 0361-0268
29876 results for facility: University of Florida George A Smathers Library - page 1225 of 1494