Search Results
29876 results for facility: University of Florida George A Smathers Library - page 1387 of 1494 | 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 |
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Title | Publisher | ISSN | Program (Institution) |
The World almanac. | Press Pub. | ||
The World Bank economic review. | World Bank | 0258-6770 | |
The World Bank research observer. | World Bank | 0257-3032 | |
The World economy. | Basil Blackwell for the Trade Policy Research Centre, etc | 0378-5920 | |
The World in ... | Associated Press | ||
The World of interiors. | Pharos Publications Ltd. | 0264-083X | |
The world of learning. | Allen & Unwin | 0084-2117 | |
The World of music. | Bärenreiter Kassel | 0043-8774 | |
The World today. | Oxford University Press, etc | 0043-9134 | |
The World tomorrow. | The Fellowship Press | 0364-8583 | |
The World yearbook of robotics research and development. | Kogan Page ; | ||
The Worldwide art catalogue bulletin. | Worldwide Books [etc.] | 0043-9363 | |
The Writer's digest. | Writer's Digest | 0043-9525 | |
The Writer's market. | F & W Publications | 0084-2729 | |
The Writer. | The Writer, etc | 0043-9517 | |
The Yale journal of biology and medicine. | Yale Journal of Biology and medicine, Inc. [etc.] | 0044-0086 | |
The Yale journal of criticism. | Yale University Press | 0893-5378 | |
The Yale journal of international law | Yale Law School | 0889-7743 | |
The Yale journal of world public order | Students at the Yale Law School | 07340494 | |
The Yale law journal. | Yale Law Journal Co. | 0044-0094 |
29876 results for facility: University of Florida George A Smathers Library - page 1387 of 1494 | 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 |