Search Results
29876 results for facility: University of Florida George A Smathers Library - page 1392 of 1494 | 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 |
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Title | Publisher | ISSN | Program (Institution) |
Theory and research in social education. | Michigan State University Press | 0093-3104 | |
Theory and society. | Martinus Nijhoff Publishers [etc.] | 0304-2421 | |
Theory in biosciences = Theorie in den Biowissenschaften. | G. Fischer | 1431-7613 | |
Theory into practice. | College of Education, Ohio State University | 0040-5841 | |
Theory of probability and its applications. | Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics | 0040-585X | |
Theory of probability and mathematical statistics. | American Mathematical Society | 0094-9000 | |
Therapeutic recreation journal. | National Recreation and Park Association, National Therapeutic Recreation Society | 0040-5914 | |
Therapie der Gegenwart | Urban & Schwarzenberg | 0040-5965 | |
Theriogenology. | Butterworths, etc | 0093-691X | |
Thermal engineering. | British Library Lending Division, etc | 0040-6015 | |
Thermochimica acta. | Elsevier | 0040-6031 | |
Théâtre enfance et jeunesse. | Institut pédagogique national | 0049-3597 | |
Théâtre. | s.n. | ||
Théorie des nombres | Publications du Secretariat Mathematique | ||
Thin films. | Academic Press | 1079-4050 | |
Thin solid films. | Elsevier Sequoia | 0040-6090 | |
Thin-walled structures. | Applied Science Publishers | 0263-8231 | |
Thinking & reasoning | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 1354-6783 | |
Third text. | Kala Press | 0952-8822 | |
Third world planning review. | Liverpool University Press | 0142-7849 |
29876 results for facility: University of Florida George A Smathers Library - page 1392 of 1494 | 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 |