Search Results
29876 results for facility: University of Florida George A Smathers Library - page 1398 of 1494 | 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 |
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Title | Publisher | ISSN | Program (Institution) |
Topics in instructional computing | Association for Computing Machinery | ||
Topics in language disorders. | Aspen Systems Corp | 0271-8294 | |
Topics in learning & learning disabilities : TL & LD. | Aspen Systems Corp | 0271-1494 | |
Topics in phosphorus chemistry. | Interscience Publishers | 0082-4992 | |
Topics in stereochemistry. | John Wiley & Sons [etc.] | 0082-500X | |
Topics in the theory of random noise | Gordon and Breach | ||
Topoi. | D. Reidel Pub. Co. | 0167-7411 | |
Topological methods in nonlinear analysis. | Juliusz Schauder Center | 1230-3429 | |
Topologie structurale = Structural topology | [Groupe de recherche topologie structurale, Université de Montréal = Structural Topology Research Group, University of Montreal] | 02269171 | |
Topology and its applications. | North-Holland Pub. Co. | 0166-8641 | |
Topology proceedings. | Auburn University Mathematics Department and the Institute for Medicine and Mathematics at Ohio University | 0146-4124 | |
Topology. | Pergamon Press | 0040-9383 | |
Topos : European landscape magazine. | Callwey | 0942-752X | |
Tori. | Nihon Chōgakkai | 0040-9480 | |
Torreia | Museo Poey, Universidad de la Habana | 05639425 | |
Torreia. | Museo Poey, Universidad de la Habana | 0563-9425 | |
Torreya. | Torrey Botanical Club | 0096-3844 | |
Tort & insurance law journal | Tort and Insurance Practice Section, American Bar Association | 0885-856X | |
Tort trial & insurance practice law journal | Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section, American Bar Association | 1543-3234 | |
Toshokan zasshi. | 0385-4000 |
29876 results for facility: University of Florida George A Smathers Library - page 1398 of 1494 | 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 |