Search Results
29876 results for facility: University of Florida George A Smathers Library - page 1410 of 1494 | 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 |
Print Digital |
Title | Publisher | ISSN | Program (Institution) |
Transformacion. | Camara Nacional de la Industria de Transformacion | 0041-1124 | |
Transformation. | L. Drummond [etc.] | 0960-1120 | |
Transformation. | Kraus Reprint | ||
Transforming anthropology : a publication of the Association of Black Anthropologists. | The Association | 1051-0559 | |
Transfusion. | American Association of Blood Banks, etc | 0041-1132 | |
Transgenic research. | Chapman & Hall | 0962-8819 | |
Transit journal. | McGraw-Hill | 0097-6849 | |
Transition | Transition | 0041-1191 | |
Transition | Bellerophon Enterprises | ||
Transition metal chemistry. | Chapman & Hall | 0340-4285 | |
Transition metal chemistry. | M. Dekker | 0082-5921 | |
Transition. | Open Media Research Institute | 1211-0205 | |
Translation monthly. | John Crerar Library | 0584-8210 | |
Translation review. | University of Texas at Dallas | 0737-4836 | |
Translation. | Columbia University, Translation Center | 0093-9307 | |
Translations: comment in motion | The Variegation Pub. Co | 00411248 | |
Transnational corporations. | United Nations | 1014-9562 | |
Transnational data and communications report : TDR. | Transnational Data Reporting Service, Inc. | 0892-399X | |
Transnational law & contemporary problems : a journal of the University of Iowa College of Law. | University of Iowa College of Law | 1058-1006 | |
Transplantation proceedings. | Appleton & Lange [etc.] | 0041-1345 |
29876 results for facility: University of Florida George A Smathers Library - page 1410 of 1494 | 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 |