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29876 results for facility: University of Florida High Density Facility - page 164 of 1494
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
ASLE transactions. American Society of Lubrication Engineers 0569-8197
ASM handbook ASM International
ASM transactions quarterly. American Society for Metals 0097-3912
ASME boiler and pressure vessel code. Case interpretations American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASME boiler and pressure vessel code. Code cases. Boilers and pressure vessels American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASME boiler and pressure vessel code. Code cases. Nuclear components American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASME boiler and pressure vessel code. Section 8, Rules for construction of pressure vessels American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASME boiler and pressure vessel code. Section IX, Qualification standard for welding and brazing procedures, welders, brazers, and welding and brazing operators American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASMP book American Society of Magazine Photographers 07372841
ASMP picture annual Simon and Schuster 05175313
ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics : ASMS
ASNE : American Society of Newspaper Editors
Aspects of homogeneous catalysis. D. Reidel [etc.]
Asphalt handbook / Asphalt Institute
Asphalt paving technology. Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists 0270-2932
ASPO newsletter. American Society of Planning Officials
Assaph. Faculty of Visual and Performing Arts, Tel-Aviv University 0334-5963
Assemblage. MIT Press 0889-3012
Assemblée générale : Procès-verbaux International Association of Scientific Hydrology
Assemblies cost data / RS Means. R.S. Means Co. 1524-2153
29876 results for facility: University of Florida High Density Facility - page 164 of 1494