Search Results

29876 results for facility: University of Florida High Density Facility - page 294 of 1494
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Chemical abstracts service registry handbook; American Chemical Society 0093-058X
Chemical abstracts. American Chemical Society 0009-2258
Chemical age international. Benn Brothers 0300-3248
Chemical age of India. 0009-2320
Chemical age. Benn Brothers ltd. [etc.] 0302-2900
Chemical analysis : a series of monographs on analytical chemistry and its applications. 0069-2883
Chemical and biochemical applications of lasers. Academic Press 0147-8621
Chemical and engineering news : "news edition" of the American Chemical Society. The Society 0009-2347
Chemical and process engineering and atomic world : CPE. Leonard Hill Technical Group 0953-2250
Chemical communications : Chem comm / the Royal Society of Chemistry. The Society 1359-7345
Chemical engineer. Institution of Chemical Engineers 0302-0797
Chemical engineering communications. Gordon and Breach Science 0098-6445
Chemical engineering costs quarterly Industrial Research Service
Chemical engineering costs supplement Industrial Research Service
Chemical engineering education. Chemical Engineering Division, American Society for Engineering Education 0009-2479
Chemical engineering faculties. [American Institute of Chemical Engineers] 0569-5465
Chemical engineering faculty directory : a publication of the Chemical Engineering Education Projects Committee of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers American Institute of Chemical Engineers 1553913X
Chemical engineering progress symposium series. American Institute of Chemical Engineers 0069-2948
Chemical engineering progress. American Institute of Chemical Engineers 0360-7275
Chemical engineering research & design : transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers. The Institution ; distributed by Pergamon 0263-8762
29876 results for facility: University of Florida High Density Facility - page 294 of 1494