Search Results

29876 results for facility: University of Florida High Density Facility - page 339 of 1494
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Computer networks. North-Holland Pub. Co. 0376-5075
Computer networks. Elsevier 1389-1286
Computer personnel. Association for Computing Machinery 0160-2497
Computer physics communications. North-Holland Pub. Co. 0010-4655
Computer physics reports. Elsevier Science Pub. B.V. (North-Holland Physics Pub. Division) 0167-7977
Computer programs for chemistry. W. A. Benjamin 0588-9405
Computer programs in biomedicine North-Holland Pub. Co 0010-468X
Computer security journal. Computer Security Institute 0277-0865
Computer speech & language. Academic Press 0885-2308
Computer standards & interfaces. North-Holland 0920-5489
Computer technology review. West World Productions 0278-9647
Computer vision and image understanding : CVIU. Academic Press 1077-3142
Computer vision, graphics, and image processing. Academic Press 0734-189X
Computer yearbook and directory. American Data Processing 0069-8180
Computer yearbook. International Electronics Information Services [etc.] 0163-4003
Computer-aided civil and infrastructure engineering. Blackwell Publishers 1093-9687
Computer-aided engineering : CAE. Penton/IPC 0733-3536
Computer. IEEE Computer Society 0018-9162
Computer/law journal. Center for Computer/Law 0164-8756
Computers & education. Pergamon Press 0360-1315
29876 results for facility: University of Florida High Density Facility - page 339 of 1494