Search Results

29876 results for facility: University of Florida High Density Facility - page 35 of 1494
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Advances in soil dynamics American Society of Agricultural Engineers 10815627
Advances in soil science. Springer-Verlag 0176-9340
Advances in space science and technology. Academic Press 0065-3365
Advances in space science. Academic Press 0276-4628
Advances in speech, hearing, and language processing. JAI Press 0963-5580
Advances in supramolecular chemistry. JAI Press 1068-7459
Advances in surface treatments : technology-applications-effects. Pergamon Press 0889-8367
Advances in test anxiety research. Swets and Zeitlinger ; L. Erlbaum Associates 0923-019X
Advances in the behavioral measurement of children. JAI Press 8755-2078
Advances in the economics of energy and resources. JAI Press inc 0192-558X
Advances in the mechanics and physics of surfaces. Harwood Academic Publishers 0272-0434
Advances in the study of aggression. Academic Press 0748-6103
Advances in the study of behavior. Academic Press 0065-3454
Advances in theoretically interesting molecules. JAI Press, Inc. 1046-5766
Advances in tracer methodology. Plenum Press 0065-3497
Advances in virus research. Academic Press 0065-3527
Advances in water resources. C.M.L. Publications ; Springer-Verlag 0309-1708
Advances in x-ray analysis : proceedings of the ... annual Conference on Application of X-ray Analysis / edited by William M. Mueller and Marie Fay ; sponsored by University of Denver, Denver Research Institute. Plenum Press 0376-0308
Advancing fronts in chemistry. Reinhold Pub. Corp
Adventures in experimental physics. World Science Communications [etc.] 0044-6386
29876 results for facility: University of Florida High Density Facility - page 35 of 1494