Search Results

361 results for facility: University of Kentucky - Off Campus Remote Storage Facility - page 10 of 19
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Journal of the American Institute of Graphic Arts. American Institute of Graphic Arts 0065-8820
Journal of the Canadian Linguistic Association. Revue de l'Association canadienne de linguistique. Canadian Linguistic Association 0319-5732
Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures. The Association 1028-365X
Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery. C.V. Mosby 0022-5223
Journal of transport geography. Butterworth-Heinemann 0966-6923
Journal of urban economics. Academic Press 0094-1190
Journal of verbal learning and verbal behavior. Academic Press 0022-5371
Keystone folklore quarterly. Point Park College 0023-0987
Keystone folklore. West Chester State College, Dept. of Authropology and Sociology 0149-8444
La Bibliofilia. L. S. Olschki 0006-0941
Landscape and urban planning. Elsevier 0169-2046
Landscape management. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 0894-1254
Landscape planning. Elsevier 0304-3924
Large animal veterinarian covering health & nutrition. Watt Pub. Co. 1043-7533
Latin American weekly report. Latin American Newsletters Ltd. 0143-5280
Learning and motivation. Academic Press 0023-9690
LiLi, Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik. Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht 0049-8653
Living bird. Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology 1059-521X
Long range planning. Pergamon Press 0024-6301
LRP : Elsevier Science Ltd.
361 results for facility: University of Kentucky - Off Campus Remote Storage Facility - page 10 of 19