Search Results

361 results for facility: University of Kentucky - Off Campus Remote Storage Facility - page 16 of 19
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The Cornell hotel and restaurant administration quarterly. School of Hotel Administration, Cornell University 0010-8804
The Country gentleman. Luther Tucker & Son, 395 Broadway, corner of Hudson St 2169-8082
The country gentleman. [Luther Tucker & Son]
The cultivator & country gentleman. L. Tucker & Son
The European respiratory journal : official journal of the European Society for Clinical Respiratory Physiology. Published jointly by the Society and Munksgaard 0903-1936
The Franklin journal and American mechanics' magazine. Franklin Institute 0093-7029
The guide to management improvement projects in local government. Management Information Service, International City Management Association
The Indian journal of agricultural economics. Indian Society of Agricultural Economics 0019-5014
The international information & library review. Academic Press 1057-2317
The Journal of agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico. Agricultural Experiment Station 0041-994X
The journal of allergy and clinical immunology : official organ of American Academy of Allergy. Mosby 0091-6749
The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American Orthopaedic Association 0375-9229
The Journal of clinical endocrinology & metabolism. Issued for the Endocrine Society by the Williams & Wilkins Co. 0021-972X
The Journal of clinical investigation. American Society for Clinical Investigation 0021-9738
The Journal of Commonwealth & comparative politics. Frank Cass 0306-3631
The Journal of family practice. Appleton-Century-Crofts 0094-3509
The journal of immunology. Williams & Wilkins Co. ; Cambridge University Press 1048-3233
The journal of laryngology and otology. Headley Brothers 0022-2151
The Journal of nursing administration. J.B. Lippincott, etc 0002-0443
The Journal of nutritional biochemistry. Butterworths 0955-2863
361 results for facility: University of Kentucky - Off Campus Remote Storage Facility - page 16 of 19