Search Results

361 results for facility: University of Kentucky - Off Campus Remote Storage Facility - page 5 of 19
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Decision support systems and electronic commerce. North-Holland :
Decision support systems. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North Holland) 0167-9236
Diabetes. American Diabetes Association 0012-1797
Drama critique. National Catholic Theatre Conference 0419-7119
Earthquake spectra : the professional journal of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute. The Institute 8755-2930
Economics letters. North Holland 0165-1765
Endocrinology. Association for the Study of Internal Secretions 0013-7227
Environment & planning A. Pion Ltd. 0308-518X
Environment & planning. Pion Ltd. 0013-9173
Environmental geology. Springer International 0943-0105
European economic review. IASP 0014-2921
European journal of operational research. North-Holland Pub. Co. 0377-2217
European review of agricultural economics. Mouton 0165-1587
Excerpta botanica. G. Fischer 0014-4045
Excerpta botanica. unter Mitwirkung der International Association for Plant Taxonomy. G. Fischer 0014-4037
Experimental mycology. Academic Press 0147-5975
Facts on file. Facts on File, inc. [etc.] 0014-6641
Food policy. IPC Science and Technology Press 0306-9192
Gastroenterology. Elsevier Inc. [etc.] 0016-5085
Geotechnical testing journal. American Society for Testing and Materials 0149-6115
361 results for facility: University of Kentucky - Off Campus Remote Storage Facility - page 5 of 19