Search Results

148 results for facility: University of Louisville Ekstrom Library - page 6 of 8
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Story. Story Magazine, Inc. 1045-0831
Studies in Browning and his circle. Armstrong Browning Library, Baylor University 0095-4489
Studies in eighteenth-century culture. Press of Case Western Reserve University 0360-2370
Talisman. Talisman 0898-8684
Teaching language through literature. Modern Language Association Conference 0362-2746
Tennessee anthropologist. Tennessee Anthropological Association 0892-7979
Tennessee archaeologist. Tennessee Archaeological Society 0040-3180
The African-American almanac. Gale Research 1071-8710
The American federationist. American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, etc 0002-8428
The American review of Canadian studies. Association for Canadian Studies in the United States 0272-2011
The American-Scandinavian review. American-Scandinavian Foundation 0003-0910
The Beloit poetry journal. Beloit College 0005-8661
The British chess magazine. Trubner & co. [etc.] 0007-0440
The Center magazine. Fund for the Republic, inc., etc 0008-9125
The Chariton review. Northeast Missouri State University 0098-9452
The Current digest of the post-Soviet press. The Current Digest of the Soviet Press 1067-7542
The Current digest of the Soviet press. American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies [etc.] 0011-3425
The Dickensian. The Dickens Fellowship [etc.] 0012-2440
The Filson Club history quarterly. The Club 0015-1874
The Hibbert journal. George Allen & Unwin 0950-1916
148 results for facility: University of Louisville Ekstrom Library - page 6 of 8