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600 results for facility: Maine Shared Collections Management Center - page 24 of 30
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The Hebron semester. Hebron Academy
The Historical register of the United States. T.H. Palmer
The insiders' guide to Maine's mid-coast. Co-published and marketed by Bangor Daily News Enterprises ; 1549-1021
The insiders' guide to Maine's southern coast. Co-published and marketed by Coastal Journal and the Portland newspapers ; 1529-5923
The island reader. Maine Sea Coast Mission
The Journal of health. S.C. Atkinson
The Journal of the Maine Medical Association. The Association 0092-7570
The journal of the Maine Medical Association. The Association 0025-0694
The Juvenile miscellany. Printed and published by John Putnam
The Literary magazine and British review. s.n.
The Literary miscellany. William Hilliard
The Literary panorama. s.n.
The Live Poets Society ... annual anthology. The Society
The Live stock monthly. Livestock Pub. Co.
The Log of Mystic seaport. Mystic Seaport Museum, etc 0024-5828
The Maine annual. Bond Wheelwright
The Maine atlas and gazetteer / DeLorme Pub. Co.
The Maine catalog. Eosphonic Institute 0090-2128
The Maine Catholic historical magazine. s.n.
The Maine democrat. W.R. Pattangall
600 results for facility: Maine Shared Collections Management Center - page 24 of 30