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600 results for facility: Maine Shared Collections Management Center - page 29 of 30
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The World almanac and book of facts. Press Pub. Co. (The New York World) 0084-1382
The Yankee and Boston literary gazette. James Adams, Jr.
The Year-book of the Unitarian Congregational churches, for ... American Unitarian Association
The yellow book. E. Mathews & J. Lane ; 2044-690X
This month in Maine literature. Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance
Tower's Enterprise : Tower Pub.
Transactions of the Agricultural Societies in the State of Maine. s.n.
Transactions of the American Art-Union, for the year .. American Art Union 2152-6141
Union College symposium. Union College 0503-2113
United States monthly law magazine. United States Monthly Magazine Office
United States register, or blue book. J. Disturnell
Universal magazine and review, or, Repository of literature. Printed by P. Byrne and W. Porter
Valuation of the polls and estates of the inhabitants of the city of Portland :
Vermont, New Hampshire & Maine. Mountaineers 1542-5282
Vocational education and JTPA : The Council
Vox : Maine State Prison
Walker's Hibernian magazine, or, Compendium of entertaining knowledge. Printed by R. Gibson
Walton's Vermont register, farmer's almanac, and business directory. Claremont Manufacturing Co.
Watch book.
600 results for facility: Maine Shared Collections Management Center - page 29 of 30