Search Results

4679 results for facility: Arizona State University Hayden Library - page 110 of 234
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
JPT : Journal of petroleum technology : official publication of the Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. The Society 0149-2136
Judaism. American Jewish Congress 0022-5762
Junior arts and activities.
Juventud. Oficina de Asuntos de la Juventud, Secretarâia General, Organizaciâon de los Estados Americanos 0250-6173
Kagaku Kögaku. Chemical Engineering, Japan The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan 0022-7676
Kaigai jijō = 海外事情 = Journal of world affairs 拓殖大学海外事情研究所 = Takushoku Daigaku Kaigai Jijō Kenkyūjo 0453-0950
Kalki. James Branch Cabell Society 0022-7994
Kalliope. Jacksonville Women's Poetry Collective, Center for the Continuing Education of Women, Florida Junior College at Jacksonville 0735-7885
Kappa Delta Pi record. Kappa Delta Pi 0022-8958
Kasarinlan : a quarterly publication of the Third World Studies Center, University of the Philippines. The Center 0116-0923
Keats-Shelley journal. Keats-Shelley Association of America 0453-4387
Keeping up with elementary education. American Association of Elementary-Kindergarten-Nursery Educators 0022-9660
Keio communication review. Institute for Communications Research, Keio University 0388-7596
Kentucky English bulletin. Kentucky Council of Teachers of English 0023-0197
Kentucky folklore series. Kentucky Folklore Society 0075-5508
Kinaadman. : Wisdom. Xavier University : distributor, Cellar Book Shop 0115-6012
Kitabu cha jua. [publisher not identified]
Kivung. Linguistic Society of Papua New Guinea, etc 0023-1959
KKC brief / Keizai Koho Center. Keizai Koho Center 0289-890X
Klik! : showcase photography. American Showcase, Inc. 1067-9839
4679 results for facility: Arizona State University Hayden Library - page 110 of 234