Search Results

328 results for facility: Mathematical Sciences Library, The (University of Missouri ) - page 14 of 17
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Studies in the literary imagination. [Dept. of English, Georgia State University, etc.] 0039-3819
Sunday : [Columbia Missourian]
Suomen museo. [Suomen muinaismuistoyhdistys] 0355-1806
Študijné zvesti Archeologického ústavu Slovenskej akadémie vied. Ústav 0560-2793
Techniques in protein chemistry. Academic Press 1080-8914
Technisches Messen : TM. R. Oldenburg 0171-8096
The A.M.E. church review Board of Publication of the A.M.E. Church 0360-3725
The Academy bookman [Friends of the Rare Book Room of the New York Academy of Medicine Library] 00014249
The AFA watchbird American Federation of Aviculture 0199543X
The Agricultural history review. British Agricultural History Society 0002-1490
The American journal of diagnostic gynecology and obstetrics Masson Pub 01931105
The Baldwin lecture [Northeast Missouri State Teachers College] 0067303X
The Blue book of British broadcasting. Tellex Monitors Ltd.
The Canadian journal of nursing research = Revue canadienne de recherche en sciences infirmières. McGill University, School of Nursing 0844-5621
The chronicle of the Early American Industries Association, Inc. The Association 0012-8147
The Egyptian journal of chemistry. Chemical Society of Egypt in collaboration with the National Research Centre under the auspices of the Science Council
The European accounting review. Routledge 0963-8180
The Florida nurse : official bulletin of the Florida Nurses Association The Association 00154199
The Gallagher report Gallagher Report Inc 00164070
The Horticulturist / Institute of Horticulture. The Institute 0964-8992
328 results for facility: Mathematical Sciences Library, The (University of Missouri ) - page 14 of 17