Search Results

328 results for facility: Mathematical Sciences Library, The (University of Missouri ) - page 8 of 17
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Journal of nonprofit & public sector marketing. Haworth Press 1049-5142
Journal of park and recreation administration : a publication of the American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration. The Academy 0735-1968
Journal of spectral theory EMS Publishing House 1664-039X
Journal of the Early Book Society for the study of manuscripts and printing history / Early Book Society. Pace University Press 1525-6790
Journal of the Faculty of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo. The University
Journal of the Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo. Tōkyō Daigaku Rigakubu kiyō. Dai 5-rui, Jinruigaku. The University 0373-4722
Journalism practice. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 1751-2786
Kierkegaard studies. Walter de Gruyter 1430-5372
Kirkia : journal of the Federal Herbarium, Salisbury, Rhodesia and Nyasaland. Federal Printer 0451-9930
Korrespondenzblatt. Wagner'sche Buchdruckerei
Kōzan chishitsu. Nihon Kozan Chishitsu Gakkai 0026-5209
Kritikon litterarum. Thesen Verlag 0340-9767
Kunst in Schleswig-Holstein. Karl Wachholtz Verlag 0454-6512
Kypriakai spoudai : deltion tēs Hetaireias Kypriakōn Spoudōn. Hetaireia Kypriakōn Spoudōn 0081-1580
Kyūshū Tōkai Daigaku Nōgakubu kiyō. Dō Gakubu 0286-8180
L'Information géographique. J.-B. Baillière 0020-0093
Lares. L. Olschki 0023-8503
Lessing yearbook. Wayne State University Press 0075-8833
Literacy practice & research : LPR Organization of Teacher Educators in Literacy 24755737
Lutheran school journal Concordia Pub. House 0362465X
328 results for facility: Mathematical Sciences Library, The (University of Missouri ) - page 8 of 17