Search Results

52 results for facility: Johns Hopkins University Libraries' Service Center - page 1 of 3
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
American Jewish history. Johns Hopkins University Press for the American Jewish Historical Society [etc.] 0164-0178
American journal of mathematics. Johns Hopkins University Press [etc.] 0002-9327
American journal of philology. Johns Hopkins University Press [etc.] 0002-9475
American quarterly. Johns Hopkins University Press, etc 0003-0678
Arethusa. The Johns Hopkins University Press, etc 0004-0975
Bulletin of the history of medicine. Johns Hopkins University Press 0007-5140
Callaloo. Callaloo 0161-2492
College literature. West Chester State College 0093-3139
Configurations. Johns Hopkins University Press 1063-1801
Diacritics. Johns Hopkins University Press [etc.] 0300-7162
Dickens quarterly. Dickens Society 0742-5473
Eighteenth-century studies. The Johns Hopkins University Press for the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, etc 0013-2586
ELH. Johns Hopkins University Press 0013-8304
German studies review. German Studies Association [etc.] 0149-7952
Hispania. American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese [etc.] 0018-2133
Historically speaking Historical Society 1941-4188
Hopkins undergraduate research journal : Johns Hopkins University
Human rights quarterly. Johns Hopkins University Press 0275-0392
Imagine Johns Hopkins University Press for the Study of Exceptional Talent (SET) at the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth (CTY) 1071-605X
Johns Hopkins APL technical digest. Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory 0270-5214
52 results for facility: Johns Hopkins University Libraries' Service Center - page 1 of 3