Search Results

2237 results for institution: Georgia Institute of Technology (GAT) - page 68 of 112
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Microwave systems news : MSN. Cardiff Pub. Co. 1046-3313
Microwaves. Hayden Pub. Corp., etc 0026-2919
Mikroskopie. Fromme 0026-3702
Military electronics. Military Electronics 0097-4285
Mill & factory. Conover-Mast Corp
Mineração e metalurgia. J. de Lima e Silva
Minerals science and engineering. National Institute for Metallurgy 0026-4660
Minéralurgie. Société de l'industrie minérale 0367-8962
Mining & chemical engineering review. Tait 0368-8860
Missile design & development. Aviation Research and Development Pub. Corp
Missili : Edizioni italiane
Missili e spazio : L'Associazione
Mitteilungen aus den Königlichen technischen Versuchsanstalten. Springer
Modeling and simulation on microcomputers. Society for Computer Simulation 0735-6773
Modern chemical processes : a series of articles describing chemical manufacturing plants. Reinhold 0536-1478
Modern industrial energy. Industrial Gas Magazine, Inc. 0164-4262
Modern industry & machine age. Rowse Muir International 0544-6589
Modern maintenance management. Palmerton
Modern materials. Academic Press 0077-0000
Modern passenger transportation. Hitchcock Pub. Co.
2237 results for institution: Georgia Institute of Technology (GAT) - page 68 of 112