Search Results

15 results for institution: University of Arizona Law Library Shared Print in Place (AZL)
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
International criminal justice review College of Public and Urban Affairs, Georgia State University 1057-5677
Journal of Catholic social thought. Office for Mission Effectiveness, Villanova University 1548-0712
Journal of child custody. Haworth Press, Inc. 1537-9418
Les Cahiers de droit FaculteĢ de droit, UniversiteĢ Laval 0007-974X
Public international law. Springer-Verlag 0340-7349
Revue de droit uniforme. International Institute for the Unification of Private Law 1124-3694
The American journal of forensic psychiatry. R. Shlensky 0163-1942
The Forum Section of Insurance, Negligence and Compensation Law, American Bar Association 0015-8356
The Journal of forensic psychiatry Routledge 0958-5184
The journal of forensic psychiatry & psychology. BrunnerRoutledge 1478-9949
The jurist. School of Canon Law, the Catholic University of America 0022-6858
The Rhodesia and Nyasaland law journal. Book Centre
The Rhodesian law journal. Printed by Unitas Preess, etc 0035-483X
Tort & insurance law journal Tort and Insurance Practice Section, American Bar Association 0885-856X
Tort trial & insurance practice law journal Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section, American Bar Association 1543-3234
15 results for institution: University of Arizona Law Library Shared Print in Place (AZL)