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86 results for institution: Fairfield University (FAU) - page 4 of 5
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Quarterly review of literature. The Review 0748-0873
Real estate review. Warren, Gorham and Lamont 0034-0790
Religion & intellectual life : the journal of Associates for Religion and Intellectual Life. The Associates 0741-0549
Sacred Heart University review. The University 0276-7643
Saturday review of literature. Saturday Review Associates, etc 0147-5932
Southern Jewish history : journal of the Southern Jewish Historical Society. The Society 1521-4206
Studia liturgica. Liturgical Ecumenical Center Trust 0039-3207
Text. Mouton Publishers 0165-4888
The Computing teacher. International Council for Computers in Education 0278-9175
The Continental Bank journal of applied corporate finance. Stern Stewart Management Services 0898-4484
The Critic. Thomas More Association 0011-149X
The Downside review. Downside Abbey 0012-5806
The Historical bulletin. Dept. of History, St. Louis University 0361-5456
The Homiletic and pastoral review. J.F. Wagner 0018-4268
THE journal : technological horizons in education. Information Synergy, Inc. 0192-592X
The Journal of American drama and theatre. CASTA, CUNY Graduate School 1044-937X
The journal of cost analysis & management. Society of Cost Estimating and Analysis 1541-1656
The journal of cost analysis. Institute of Cost Analysis 0882-3871
The journal of risk. Risk Publications 1465-1211
The Journal of strategic and systemic therapies. D. Efron 0711-5075
86 results for institution: Fairfield University (FAU) - page 4 of 5