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203 results for institution: Amherst College (AMH) - page 2 of 11
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Art and literature. Société anonyme d'éditions littéraires et artistiques; distributed by Eastern News Distributors, New York 0571-1452
ASA news : for African Studies Association members. The Association 0278-2219
Assays. University of Pittsburgh Press 0275-0058
Avant garde. Avant-garde Media 0005-1918
Balkan studies. The Institute 0005-4313
Bentley's miscellany. Richard Bentley 1751-8466
Berliner philologische Wochenschrift. S. Calvary & Co.
Biblical research. Chicago Society of Biblical Research 0067-6535
Bibliographie de la littâerature franðcaise (XVIe-XXe siáecles) A. Colin 1154-3590
Biennial exhibition / Whitney Museum of American Art 1043-3260
Biennial exhibition. Whitney Museum of American Art ;
Biological lectures delivered at the Marine Biological Laboratory of Wood's Holl [sic]. Ginn & Co. 0275-1526
Boulevard. Opojaz, Inc. 0885-9337
Bulletin de la Société des amis de Montaigne. Société des amis de Montaigne 0037-9182
Business statistics of the United States. Bernan Press 1086-8488
Byzantina-metabyzantina a journal of Byzantine and modern Greek studies. 0899-8604
Cambridge medieval Celtic studies. J. Hall 0260-5600
CEA forum. College English Association 0007-8034
China rights annals. M.E. Sharpe 8756-0844
Christie's review of the year. Christie, Manson & Woods 0578-0209
203 results for institution: Amherst College (AMH) - page 2 of 11