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446 results for institution: Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (MBLWHOI) (MBW) - page 11 of 23
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Insectes sociaux. Masson 0020-1812
Instrumentation technology. Instrument Society of America 0020-4382
InTech. Instrument Society of America 0192-303X
International journal for parasitology. Pergamon Press 0020-7519
International journal of climatology : a journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. Wiley 0899-8418
International journal of heat and mass transfer. Pergamon Press 0017-9310
International journal of invertebrate reproduction and development. Elsevier 0168-8170
International journal of peptide and protein research. Munksgaard 0367-8377
International journal of protein research. Munksgaard 0020-7551
International review of experimental pathology. Academic Press 0074-7718
Invertebrate reproduction & development. Balaban : Distributed by International Science Services 0792-4259
IRE transactions on bio-medical electronics. Professional Group on Bio-medical Electronics, Institute of Radio Engineers 0096-1884
IRE transactions on electronic computers. Institute of Radio Engineers 0367-9950
IRE transactions on information theory. Professional Group on Information, Institute of Radio Engineers 0096-1000
IRE transactions on space electronics and telemetry. Professional Group on Space Electronics and Telemetry, Institute of Radio Engineers 0096-252X
Israel journal of zoology. Weizmann Science Press of Israel 0021-2210
Jahrbuch der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Verlag der B. Akademie der Wissenschaften 0084-6090
Jahresverzeichnis des deutschen Schrifttums. Verlag des Bèorsenvereins der Deutschen Buchhèandler zu Leipzig 0075-2967
Journal de microscopie. Societé française de microscopie électronique 0021-7921
Journal de physique théorique et appliquée. Société française de physique
446 results for institution: Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (MBLWHOI) (MBW) - page 11 of 23