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47 results for institution: Elms College (NKF) - page 2 of 3
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
New philosopher. Bull Pub. 2201-7151
Nouvelle revue théologique. Casterman 0029-4845
Nursing research. American Journal of Nursing Co. 0029-6562
Orate fratres. Liturgical Press 0196-6898
Organizational dynamics. American Management Association 0090-2616
Personnel journal. Published for the Personnel Research Federation by the Williams & Wilkins Co. 0031-5745
Perspectives in religious studies. Association of Baptist Professors of Religion 0093-531X
Proceedings of the annual convention. Catholic Theological Society of America 0069-1267
Saint Anthony messenger. Franciscan Friars of St. John Baptist Province 0036-276X
School arts. Davis Press 0036-6463
Sign. Passionist Missions 0037-4873
Smith College studies in social work. Smith College School for Social Work 0037-7317
Social justice review. Central Bureau, Catholic Central Union of America 0037-7767
The American ecclesiastical review. Catholic University of America Press 0002-8274
The Catholic digest of Catholic books and magazines. Catholic Digest, Inc.
The Catholic mind. The America Press 0008-8242
The Catholic psychological record. American Catholic Psychological Assn
The CPA journal. New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants 0732-8435
The Irish theological quarterly. Members of the Faculty of Theology] St. Patrick's College, Maynooth 0021-1400
The Journal of nursing administration. J.B. Lippincott, etc 0002-0443
47 results for institution: Elms College (NKF) - page 2 of 3