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198 results for institution: Georgia State University (GSU) - page 3 of 10
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Best's key rating guide: A. M. Best Co. 0148-3064
Best's key ratings and insurance manual. A.M. Best Co.
Best's key ratings of all licensed joint-stock fire insurance companies. A.M. Best Co.
Bibliographic guide to music. G. K. Hall 0360-2753
Bibliographie de la philosophie. Bibliography of philosophy. Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin 0006-1352
Black creation. Institute of Afro-American Affairs at New York University 1948-4968
Bluegrass unlimited. Bluegrass Unlimited 0006-5137
Brass bulletin. BIM 0303-3848
Bulletin of the American Choral Foundation. American Choral Foundation
Bulletin of the American Concert Choir and Choral Foundation, Inc. American Concert Choir and Choral Foundation, Inc.
Canadian markets. Financial Post Information Service 0832-2503
City almanac. J.M. Kaplan Center for New York City Affairs of the New School for Social Research 0009-7683
Classroom interaction newsletter. School of Education, The American University 0009-8485
Communication yearbook. International Communication Association 0147-4642
Communication. Gordon and Breach 0305-4233
CPA examination review. Wiley 0743-3794
CPA examination review. John Wiley 1079-2686
Current dividend record. Warren, Gorham & Lamont
Current performance and dividend record. Warren, Gorham & Lamont
Daniel Blum's theatre world. Greenberg
198 results for institution: Georgia State University (GSU) - page 3 of 10