No results match your query: institution/32/cornell-university-library

PAPR provides a searchable database of titles and holdings archived by participating archiving programs.

Search Archived Titles

Search Instructions

You may search by title keyword, keyword, ISSN, OCLC number, subject, or publisher in the search box at the top right.

Keyword searches can contain any combination of the following fields:

  • Title
  • ISSN
  • LCCN
  • OCLC number (as reported by archiving institution)
  • Subject
  • Publisher
  • Program or program abbreviation
  • OCLC Institution Symbol
  • Library or storage facility name

Keyword searches using multiple terms will automatically be joined by an “and.” Using the term “and” will search for the word “and” in records. “Or” searches are not supported. Keyword searches are limited to 1,000 results.

Searches by Title, ISSN, OCLC number, Subject, and Publisher will display records with fields that begin with the search text you entered. Subject searches use Library of Congress Subject headings. Searches are not case sensitive.

Download Instructions

You may download the set of titles with holdings resulting from any search from a link on the Search Results screen ("Download Archived Holdings"). The titles download delivers a .tsv (tab-separated-values) file that can be converted to a spreadsheet.

You may also download Gaps and Condition reports for titles resulting from any search ("Download Gaps and Condition").