Search Results

108 results for institution: Loyola Marymount University Shared Print (LML) - page 2 of 6
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Corporate responsibility officer : CRO. CRO Corp 1933-5903
Critical inquiry in language studies Lawrence Erlbaum Associates 1542-7587
Culture, sport, society. Frank Cass & Co. 1461-0981
Dao : a journal of comparative philosophy. Global Publications, Binghamton University, State University of New York 1540-3009
Drugs & society. Haworth Press 8756-8233
Eighteenth-century fiction. Published for McMaster University by University of Toronto Press 0840-6286
Employee responsibilities and rights journal / published for the Council on Employee Responsibilities and Rights. Plenum Press 0892-7545
Ethics and the environment. JAI Press 1085-6633
Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology. American Psychological Association 1064-1297
Financial accountability & management in governments, public services, and charities. B. Blackwell 0267-4424
Global finance journal. JAI Press, Inc. 1044-0283
Globalisation, societies and education. Carfax Pub. 1476-7724
HEC forum : an interdisciplinary journal on hospitals' ethical and legal issues. Pergamon Press 0956-2737
Heythrop journal; a quarterly review of philosophy and theology. Blackwell Pub. [etc.] 0018-1196
Hindu-Christian studies bulletin. Calgary Institute for the Humanities 0844-4587
Hippocampus. Churchill Livingstone 1050-9631
Horizons in biblical theology. Clifford E. Barbour Library, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary 0195-9085
Human brain mapping. Wiley-Liss 1065-9471
Human nature : an interdisciplinary biosocial perspective. Aldine de Gruyter 1045-6767
Human resource development quarterly / sponsored by the American Society for Training and Development. Jossey-Bass 1044-8004
108 results for institution: Loyola Marymount University Shared Print (LML) - page 2 of 6