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803 results for institution: University of British Columbia Library (UBC) - page 5 of 41
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Background : journal of the International Studies Association. Institute for Research on International Behavior, San Francisco State College for the International Studies Association 0361-5448
Background on world politics. Background on World Politics 1533-6689
Baillière's Best practice & research. Baillière Tindall 1521-6934
BC journal of ecosystems and management. FORREX, Forest Extension and Research Partnership 1488-4666
Bell journal of economics. American Telephone and Telegraph Co. 0361-915X
Best practice & research. Baillière Tindall
Biochemical pharmacology. Elsevier 0006-2952
Bioelectrochemistry and bioenergetics. Elsevier Sequoia 0302-4598
Bioelectrochemistry. Elsevier 1567-5394
Biology & philosophy. D. Reidel Pub. Co. 0169-3867
Biopolymers. John Wiley & Sons, etc 0006-3525
Black American literature forum. School of Education, etc., Indiana State University 0148-6179
BMJ : British medical journal / British Medical Association The Association 0959-8138
British journal of applied physics. Institute of Physics and the Physical Society 0262-8171
British journal of educational technology. The Council 0007-1013
British journal of medical psychology. Cambridge University Press 0007-1129
British journal of pharmacology and chemotherapy. Macmillan (Journals) 0366-0826
British journal of pharmacology. Scientific & Medical Division, Macmillan Press, etc 0007-1188
British journal of psychology. Cambridge University Press 0007-1269
British medical journal. British Medical Association 0007-1447
803 results for institution: University of British Columbia Library (UBC) - page 5 of 41