Search Results

942 results for ncopies: 10 - page 2 of 48
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Africa research bulletin. Africa Research, Ltd. 0001-9852
Aggressive behavior. Wiley-Liss, Inc. 0096-140X
Agricultural meteorology. Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co. 0002-1571
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment. Elsevier 0167-8809
AIAA journal. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 0001-1452
AIBS bulletin. American Institute of Biological Sciences 0096-7645
ALA bulletin. American Library Association 0364-4006
Albion. Appalachian State University, etc 0095-1390
Ambix. Taylor and Francis 0002-6980
American annals of the deaf. Executive Committee of the Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf 0002-726X
American economic journal. American Economic Association 1945-7782
American economic journal. American Economic Association 1945-7669
American entomologist. Entomological Society of America 1046-2821
American Indian quarterly. Southwestern American Indian Society 0095-182X
American journal of community psychology. Springer 0091-0562
American journal of orthopsychiatry. Educational Pub. Foundation [etc.] 0002-9432
American journal of physical anthropology. A. R. Liss [etc.] 0002-9483
American journal of psychoanalysis. Human Sciences Press 0002-9548
American literary history. Oxford University Press 0896-7148
American literary realism, 1870-1910. University of Texas at Arlington, Dept. of English 0002-9823
942 results for ncopies: 10 - page 2 of 48