Search Results

942 results for ncopies: 10 - page 41 of 48
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The Australian journal of Chinese affairs = Ao chung. Contemporary China Centre, The Australian National University 0156-7365
The Bangladesh economic review. Bangladesh Institute of Development Economics 0304-2553
The Bell journal of economics and management science. American Telephone and Telegraph Co. 0005-8556
The Bilingual review. La Revista bilingue. Arizona State University [etc.] 0094-5366
The Biological bulletin. Lancaster Press, inc. [etc.] 0006-3185
The British journal of criminology. Stevens ; Quadrangle Books 0007-0955
The Brookings review. Brookings Institution 0745-1253
The bulletin of the College Art Association of America. The Association 0272-8192
The bulletin of the College Art Association. The Association 0895-0571
The Cambridge quarterly. Cambridge Quarterly Association 0008-199X
The Canadian geographer. Géographe canadien. Published for the Canadian Association of Geographers by the University of Toronto Press 0008-3658
The Chaucer review. Pennsylvania State University Press 0009-2002
The Choral journal. American Choral Directors Association 0009-5028
The Classical journal. Classical Association of the Middle West and South, etc 0009-8353
The Coleopterists' bulletin. The Coleopterists' Society 0010-065X
The Counseling psychologist. Sage Publications, etc 0011-0000
The Educational forum. Kappa Delta Pi [etc.] 0013-1725
The electronic library : the international journal for minicomputer, microcomputer, and software applications in libraries. Learned Information 0264-0473
The elementary school teacher. University of Chicago Press 1545-5858
The European physical journal. EDP Sciences ; Springer-Verlag 1434-6060
942 results for ncopies: 10 - page 41 of 48