Search Results

683 results for ncopies: 11 - page 31 of 35
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
The Biblical archaeologist. Scholars Press [etc.] 0006-0895
The Black scholar. Black World Foundation 0006-4246
The Bryologist. American Bryological and Lichenological Society 0007-2745
The bulletin of symbolic logic. Association for Symbolic Logic 1079-8986
The bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The Museum 0026-1521
The Burlington magazine. Burlington Magazine 0007-6287
The Cambridge historical journal. Cambridge University Press ; University of Chicago Press 1474-6913
The Canadian entomologist. Entomological Society of Canada [etc.] 0008-347X
The College mathematics journal : an official publication of the Mathematical Association of America. The Association 0746-8342
The French review. American Association of Teachers of French 0016-111X
The German quarterly. American Association of Teachers of German 0016-8831
The Gifted child quarterly. National Association for Gifted Children 0016-9862
The Harvard theological review. Harvard Divinity School [etc.] 0017-8160
The high school journal. School of Education of the University of North Carolina 0018-1498
The Historian; a journal of history. Phi Alpha Theta 0018-2370
The Iowa review. School of Letters and the Graduate College of the University of Iowa 0021-065X
The Journal of applied behavioral science. JAI Press. [etc.] 0021-8863
The Journal of British studies. University of Chicago Press, etc 0021-9371
The Journal of contemporary China = Tang tai Chung-kuo. Center for Modern China 1067-0564
The Journal of criminal law & criminology / Northwestern University School of Law. Williams & Wilkins 0091-4169
683 results for ncopies: 11 - page 31 of 35