Search Results

120 results for ncopies: 14 - page 1 of 6
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
ACM transactions on Internet technology. Association for Computing Machinery 1533-5399
Acta crystallographica. Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 0567-7408
Acta sociologica. Universitetsforlaget [etc.] 0001-6993
Administrative science quarterly. Graduate School of Business and Public Administration, Cornell University 0001-8392
Advances in applied mathematics. Academic Press 0196-8858
Aequationes mathematicae. Birkhàˆuser 0001-9054
Africa. Oxford University Press 0001-9720
African studies review. African Studies Association [etc.] 0002-0206
American Jewish history. Johns Hopkins University Press for the American Jewish Historical Society [etc.] 0164-0178
American journal of botany. Published in cooperation with the Botanical Society of America by the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens 0002-9122
American literature; a journal of literary history, criticism and bibliography. Duke University Press 0002-9831
American scientist. Sigma Xi, etc 0003-0996
Annals of the Association of American Geographers. Association of American Geographers 0004-5608
Annual review of anthropology. Annual Reviews Inc. 0084-6570
Anthropological linguistics. Anthropology Department, Indiana University 0003-5483
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. Veenman & Zonen B.V. [etc.] 0003-6072
Arctic and alpine research. Institute of Arctic & Alpine Research, University of Colorado 0004-0851
Area. Institute of British Geographers 0004-0894
Boundary 2. Duke University Press [etc.] 0190-3659
British journal of educational studies. Blackwell & Mott 0007-1005
120 results for ncopies: 14 - page 1 of 6