Search Results

53979 results for ncopies: 2 - page 2560 of 2699
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
University of Detroit law review. Students of the University of Detroit, School of Law 0886-9456
University of Florida journal of law and public policy : JL & PP College of Business Administration, University of Florida 1047-8035
University of Florida law review. University of Florida, College of Law 0041-9583
University of Florida monographs. University of Florida Press 0071-6197
University of Florida publication. University of Florida under the auspices of the Committee on University Publications
University of Illinois exhibition of contemporary American painting. University of Illinois Press
University of Iowa extension bulletin. The University
University of Iowa studies in child welfare. University of Iowa 0898-8307
University of Iowa studies in natural history. The University 0081-8283
University of Louisville journal of family law / University of Louisville School of Law. The School 1521-2262
University of Massachusetts occasional papers. G.L.S.A., Dept. of Linguistics, University of Massachusetts
University of Minnesota studies in economics and business. University of Minnesota Press
University of New Mexico publications in meteoritics. University of New Mexico Press 0097-0476
University of North Carolina extension leaflet. The University
University of Oregon publication. University Press
University of Oregon publication.
University of Rajasthan Studies in English 0448-1690
University of Roorkee research journal. The University
University of San Fernando Valley law review. University of San Fernando Valley Law Review 0042-000X
University of San Francisco law review. University of San Francisco School of Law 0042-0018
53979 results for ncopies: 2 - page 2560 of 2699