Search Results

53979 results for ncopies: 2 - page 8 of 2699
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
A review of activities of the government.
A Review of elections / Institute of Electoral Research
A review of important activities and studies. Govt. of India, Planning Commission 0537-0329
A Review of industrial growth in West Bengal. Commerce and Industries Dept., Govt. of West Bengal
A review of public administration, the Republic of China. Administrative Research and Evaluation Commission, Executive Yuan
A Review of the industrial scene in West Bengal. Commerce & Industries Dept., Govt. of West Bengal
A Revista de pesquisas econoĢmico-sociais.
A roll of arms, New England Historic Genealogical Society
A Search for faint blue stars. The Observatory, University of Minnesota 0559-2488
A Selected bibliography of the Port of New York Authority. The Port
A Series of investigations and reports / P.B. Hoeber
A Seventeenth century news letter. Rutgers University 0735-7621
A Sociological yearbook of religion in Britain. SCM Press 0081-1777
A Souvenir of Massachusetts legislators. A.M. Bridgman
A statement of the financial condition of the county of Androscoggin. The County
A Statistical summary, state-by-state, of segregation-desegregation activity affecting Southern schools from 1954 to present, together with pertinent data on enrollment, teacher pay, etc. Southern Education Reporting Service
A Study of methods used in measurement and analysis of sediment loads in streams. U.S. G.P.O.
A Study of state institutions of higher education in West Virginia : The Subcommittee
A Summary of mineral industry activities in Colorado / The Bureau
A T A magazine. Alberta Teachers' Association 0380-9102
53979 results for ncopies: 2 - page 8 of 2699