Title |
Publisher |
Program (Institution) |
Geological record. |
Petroleum Information |
0431-2147 |
Geological Survey bulletin. |
Tasmania Dept. of Mines |
0082-2043 |
Geological Survey of Michigan. |
Published by authority of the Legislature of Michigan under the direction of the Board of Geological Survey |
2328-6849 |
Geologicheskii Sbornik |
Izd-vo Lʹvovskogo universiteta |
0435-4087 |
Geologické práce. |
Slovenská akadémia vied |
0433-4795 |
Geologický sborník. |
Slovenská akadémia vied a umení |
0016-7738 |
Geologija = Geologii︠a︡. |
Mokslas |
0202-327X |
Geologische und palaeontologische Abhandlungen. |
G. Fischer |
Geologiska föreningens förhandlingar. |
The Society |
Geology of ore deposits (Geologiya rudnykh mesorozhdenii). |
Interperiodica (Russia) and the Russian Academy of Sciences; Interperiodica Publishing, Distributors |
1075-7015 |
Geološki vjesnik. |
Institut za geološka istraživanja [etc.] |
0016-7924 |
Geomagnetizm i aėronomii︠a︡. |
0016-7940 |
Geomatica. |
Canadian Institute of Geomatics |
1195-1036 |
Geomorfologii︠a︡. |
Izd-vo Nauka [etc.] |
0435-4281 |
Geophysical abstracts. |
Geo Abstracts Ltd. |
0309-4332 |
Geophysical bulletin. |
School of Cosmic Physics, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies |
1393-0230 |
Geophysical journal. |
Gordon & Breach Science Publishers |
0275-9128 |
Geophysical research bulletin. |
National Geophysical Research Institute |
0378-6307 |
Geophysical supplements to the monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. |
The Society |
Geophysics, the leading edge of exploration. |
Society of Exploration Geophysicists |
0732-989X |