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15590 results for ncopies: 3 - page 287 of 780 | 285 286 287 288 289 |
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Title | Publisher | ISSN | Program (Institution) |
Historia et commentationes Academiae Electoralis Scientiarum et Elegantiorum Litterarum Theodoro-Palatinae. | Typis Academicis | ||
Historia Judaica. | Verlag von Julius Kittls Nachfolger | 1054-1330 | |
Historia y cultura. | Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Bolivia | 0258-2104 | |
Historia, instituciones, documentos. | Secretariado de Publicaciones] Universidad de Sevilla | 0210-7716 | |
Historias. | Direccion de Estudios Historicos del Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia | 1405-7794 | |
Historica. | Nakladatelství Československé akademie věd | 0440-9205 | |
Historical and genealogical researches and recorder of passing events of Marrimack Valley. | Alfred Poor | ||
Historical journal of western Massachusetts. | Historical Journal of Western Massachusetts, etc | 0163-3929 | |
Historical metallurgy. | Historical Metallurgy Society | 0142-3304 | |
Historical papers / the Canadian Historical Association = Communications historiques / la Société historique du Canada. | The Association | 0068-8878 | |
Historical research for higher degrees in the United Kingdom. | University of London, Institute of Historical Research | 0268-6724 | |
Historical research for university degrees in the United Kingdom. | University of London, Institute of Historical Research | 0308-7425 | |
Historical Society of Southern California, Los Angeles. | Historical Society of Southern California, Los Angeles | 2163-2995 | |
Historical studies in industrial relations. | Published for Keele University Centre for Industrial Relations by Keele University Press | 1362-1572 | |
Historický sborník Slovenskej akadémie vied a umení. | Akadémia | ||
Histories of anthropology annual. | University of Nebraska Press | 1557-637X | |
Historiografía y bibliografía americanista. | Escuela de Estudios Hispanoamericanos, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas | 0439-2477 | |
Historische Anthropologie. | Böhlau Verlag | 0942-8704 | |
Historische Veröffentlichungen. | In Kommission bei O. Harrassowitz | 0067-5903 | |
Historische Vierteljahrschrift. | B.G. Teubner |
15590 results for ncopies: 3 - page 287 of 780 | 285 286 287 288 289 |