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15590 results for ncopies: 3 - page 468 of 780
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Nihon Shokuhin Kagaku Kōgakukaishi = Journal of the Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology. Nihon Shokuhin Kagaku Kōgakkai 1341-027X
Nihon Shokuhin Kōgyō Gakkaishi = Journal of food science and technology. Nōrin Suisanshō Shokuhin Sōgō Kenkyūjo 0029-0394
Nihon Toshokan Jōhō Gakkai shi = Journal of Japan Society of Library and Information Science. Nihon Toshokan Jōhō Gakkai 1344-8668
Nihon Yuka Gakkai shi = Journal of Japan Oil Chemists' Society / JOCS Dō Gakkai 1341-8327
Nihon Zōsen Gakkai ronbunshū = Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan. Nihon Zōsen Gakkai 0514-8499
Nihongo jānaru = The Nihongo journal. Aruku Kabushiki Kaisha 0912-5361
Nihongo kyōiku. Nihongo Kyōiku Gakkai 0389-4037
Nihongogaku. Meiji Shōin 0288-0822
Nimrod. University of Tulsa 0029-053X
Nineteenth century. Victorian Society in America 0097-5184
Nineteenth-century literature criticism. Gale Research Co. 0732-1864
Nippon steel technical report. Nippon Steel Corporation 0300-306X
NIR news : NIR News 0960-3360
NMA journal. National Microfilm Association
NML technical journal. National Metallurgical Laboratory 0027-6839
Nōgyō Gijutsu Kenkyūjo hōkoku. Bulletin of the National Agricultural Sciences. Series D, Physiology and genetics. Nōrinshō Nōgyō Gijutsu Kenkyūjo 0077-4855
Noise & health Noise & Health 1463-1741
NOISE CONTROL. 0549-5865
NOLPE school law reporter. National Organization on Legal Problems of Education 0364-9547
NOMA bibliography for administrative management.
15590 results for ncopies: 3 - page 468 of 780