Search Results

15590 results for ncopies: 3 - page 82 of 780
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Australian journal of human rights / the University of New South Wales, Human Rights Centre. The Centre 1323-238X
Australian journal of maritime and ocean affairs Australian Association for Maritime Affairs 1836-6503
Australian journal of multi-disciplinary engineering. Engineers Australia 1448-8388
Australian journal of music education. Australian Society for Music Education 0004-9484
Australian journal of public health. Public Health Association of Australia 1035-7319
Australian meteorological magazine. Bureau of Meteorology 0004-9743
Australian mineral industry. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics 0004-9751
Australian mining yearbook. Thomson Publications
Australian national bibliography. National Library of Australia 0004-9816
Australian occupational therapy journal. Australian Association of Occupational Therapists 0045-0766
Australian orchid review. Shepher & Newmans 0045-0782
Australian planner : journal of the Royal Australian Planning Institute. The Institute 0729-3682
Australian poetry. Angus and Robertson 0084-7550
Australian science abstracts. Australian National Research Council
Australian science index. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization 0005-0229
Australian Slavonic and East European studies : journal of the Australian and New Zealand Slavists' Association and of the Australasian Association for Study of the Socialist Countries. Dept. of Russian and Language Studies, University of Melbourne 0818-8149
Austria today. Austria Today Ltd. 0304-8713
Austria. D. McKay 0572-1946
Austriaca. Université de Rouen, Centre dʹétudes et de recherches autrichiennes 0396-4590
Austrian information. Information Dept. of the Austrian Consulate General 0005-0520
15590 results for ncopies: 3 - page 82 of 780