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8105 results for ncopies: 4 - page 198 of 406
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Journal of the Boston Society of Civil Engineers Section, American Society of Civil Engineers. Boston Society of Civil Engineers Section, American Society of Civil Engineers 0361-087X
Journal of the Botanical Society of South Africa. Botanical Society of South Africa 0068-0419
Journal of the British Nuclear Energy Society. T. Telford Ltd. 0007-1587
Journal of the Czech Geological Society = Časopis České geologické společnosti. Česká geologická společnosti 1210-8197
Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society. Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society [etc.] 0013-6220
Journal of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa. The Society 0013-8789
Journal of the European Optical Society. Institute of Physics Pub. 1355-5111
Journal of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo. 0563-7945
Journal of the Faculty of Science, the University of Tokyo. Tōkyō Daigaku Rigakubu kiyō. Dai 1-rui, Sūgaku. The University 0040-8980
Journal of the Federated Institutes of Brewing Harrison & Sons 2050-2249
Journal of the Forest Products Research Society. Forest Products Research Society 0096-5693
Journal of the Formosan medical association = Tʻai-wan i chih The Association 0929-6646
Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society. Galway Archaeological and Historical Society 0332-415X
Journal of the Georgia Entomological Society. Georgia Entomological Society 0016-8238
Journal of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa = Tydskrif van die Weidingsvereniging van Suidelike Afrika. The Grassland Society of Southern Africa 0256-6702
Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society. The Society 0017-6087
Journal of the Hellenic diaspora. Pella Pub. Co. [etc.] 0364-2976
Journal of the history of collections. Oxford University Press 0954-6650
Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. The Branch 1991-7295
Journal of the Indian Institute of Science. Indian Institute of Science 0019-4964
8105 results for ncopies: 4 - page 198 of 406