Search Results

4969 results for ncopies: 5 - page 132 of 249
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Language dissertations. The Linguistic Society of America
Language monographs. The Linguistic society of America. 0075-7950
Language problems & language planning. University of Texas Press 0272-2690
Language quarterly. University of South Florida 0458-7359
Language testing. Edward Arnold 0265-5322
Language, culture, and curriculum. Multilingual Matters 0790-8318
Lares. L. Olschki 0023-8503
Larus. Translated and published for the Smithsonian Institution and the National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C., by the NOLIT Publishing House 0350-7416
Laser and particle beams. Cambridge University Press 0263-0346
Laser focus with fiberoptic technology. Advanced Technology Publications 0275-1399
Latin America economic report. Latin American Newsletters Ltd. 0309-443X
Latin America political report. Latin American Newsletters Ltd. 0309-2992
Latin America regional reports. Latin American Newsletters 0143-5248
Latin America. Stryker-Post Publications 0092-4148
Latin American regional report. Latin American Newsletters 1741-4423
Laurels. American Society of the French Legion of Honor 0270-3793
Law and critique Deborah Charles Publications 0957-8536
Le Débat. Gallimard 0246-2346
Le Francais moderne. Editions d'Artrey 0015-9409
Leadership & organization development journal. MCB Publications 0143-7739
4969 results for ncopies: 5 - page 132 of 249