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4969 results for ncopies: 5 - page 50 of 249
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Chanoyu quarterly. Urasenke Foundation of Kyoto, Japan 0009-1537
Chapbook - The Maine Writers' Conference. Pejepscot Press
Charts concerning Chinese Communists on the mainland. Asian Peoples' Anti-Communist League, Republic of China
Chase's annual events. Contemporary Books 0740-5286
Chemical & engineering data series. American Chemical Society 0095-9146
Chemical age of India. 0009-2320
Chemical and petroleum engineering. Consultants Bureau 0009-2355
Chemical biology & drug design. Blackwell 1747-0277
Chemical engineering & technology. VCH Verlagsgesellschaft ; VCH Publishers 0930-7516
Chemical engineering and processing = Génie des procédés = Verfahrenstechnik. Elsevier Sequoia 0255-2701
Chemical industries week. McGraw-Hill Pub. Co. 0095-8409
Chemical markets. Chemical Markets, inc 0095-8344
Chemical speciation and bioavailability. Science and Technology Letters 0954-2299
Chēmika chronika = Chimika chronika. Scientific Committee of the Greek Chemists Assn 0366-693X
Chemiker-Zeitung, chemische Apparatur. A. Hüthig 0375-8710
Chemisch weekblad. 0009-2932
Chemisch-pharmaceutisches Central-Blatt. Leopold Voss
Chemistry & biodiversity. Verlag Helvetica Chimica Acta ; Distributed in the USA by Wiley 1612-1872
Chemistry and technology of fuels and oils. Consultants Bureau [etc.] 0009-3092
Chemistry in Canada. Chemcan Publishers 0009-3114
4969 results for ncopies: 5 - page 50 of 249