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3086 results for ncopies: 6 - page 151 of 155
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Water works and wastes engineering. Magazine Pub. Division, R. H. Donnelley Corp 0096-6320
Watsonia. Botanical Society of the British Isles 0043-1532
Waves in random and complex media. Taylor & Francis 1745-5030
Wear. Elsevier 0043-1648
Weekly letter / The Society
Weekly letter / Harvard University Committee on Economic Research
Wer ist wer? Schmidt Rönhild [etc.] 0172-911X
West Africa. West Africa Pub. Co. Ltd. 0043-2962
West Virginia history. State Dept. of Archives and History 0043-325X
Western European education. M.E. Sharpe 0043-3675
Western journal of speech communication : WJSC. Western Speech Communication Association 0193-6700
Western speech communication. Western Speech Communication Association 0147-2216
Western speech. Western Speech Communication Association [etc.] 0043-4205
Who's who in science in Europe. F. Hodgson 0083-968X
Wiener Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte. Hermann Böhlaus Nachf. 0083-9981
Wiener klinische Wochenschrift Springer 0043-5325
Wiener Studien. H. Böhlaus [etc.] 0084-005X
Wildfowl. Wildfowl Trust 0954-6324
Willdenowia. Botanischer Garten und Botanischer Museum [etc.] 0511-9618
William and Mary College quarterly historical magazine. The College 1936-9530
3086 results for ncopies: 6 - page 151 of 155