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3086 results for ncopies: 6 - page 40 of 155
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Drugs. S. Karger 0012-6667
Du. Conzett & Huber 0012-6837
Duke bar journal Duke University School of Law 1553-8729
Dun's review. Dun & Bradstreet Publications Corp 0012-7175
Durkheimian studies = Etudes Durkheimiennes. British Centre for Durkheimian Studies, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology 1362-024X
Dynamical systems. Taylor & Francis Ltd. 1468-9367
Dynamics and stability of systems. Oxford University Press 0268-1110
Ear, nose & throat journal. International Pub. Group, etc 0145-5613
Early childhood education journal. Human Sciences Press 1082-3301
Earth and environmental science transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. RSE Scotland Foundation 1755-6910
Earthquake spectra : the professional journal of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute. The Institute 8755-2930
East African wildlife journal. Blackwell Scientific Publications 0070-8038
East Asia. Transaction Periodicals Consortium 1096-6838
East European Jewish affairs. Published by the Institute of Jewish Affairs in association with the World Jewish Congress 1350-1674
East European quarterly. University of Colorado 0012-8449
Echocardiography. Futura Pub. Co. 0742-2822
Ecological research. Ecological Society of Japan 0912-3814
Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists. Economic Geology Pub. Co. 0361-0128
Economic systems = Jahrbuch der Wirtschaft Osteuropas Physica-Verlag 0939-3625
Economics selections. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, etc 0424-3137
3086 results for ncopies: 6 - page 40 of 155